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High Fiber, Tastier and Healthier

  • Wheat - Enriched wheat (whole) flour is a good source of iron, thiamine, niacin, calcium, and vitamin B6, in addition to the above nutrients. Whole wheat may be a decent source of several vitamins and minerals, including selenium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, and folate. It has a good amount of insoluble fibre that passes almost intact in the digestive system and also feeding good gut bacteria.
  • Jowar (Sorghum) - The content of Jowar makes your multigrain Atta fibrous and rich source of iron, magnesium and high in proteins makes it good for bone health and controls blood sugar levels. It contains B Vitamins which help the body to build new tissues and cells. It also has ample amount of potassium, phosphorus and contains traces of zinc, copper and over 20 micronutrients and high level of antioxidants.
  • Jau (Barley) - Jau (Barley) is loaded with nutrients and helps burn fat. Adding Jau in the multigrain Atta is a good source of antioxidants, helps manage blood sugar level. The presence of selenium in Jau flour helps preserve skin elasticity, thus protecting it from loosening and free radical damage. Insoluble and soluble Fiber in Jau improves digestion thus helping to improve gut bacteria.
  • Bajra (Pearl Millet) - Adding Pearl Millet (Bajra) in our Arogya Poshtik Multigrain atta makes it an energy pack and provides proteins to the vegetarians. It is also loaded with insoluble fiber that helps in losing weight, lowers cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels and helps in relieving constipation. Bajra also helps in
  • Ragi (Finger Millet)  Ragi (Finger Millet) is  Ragi is loaded with a variety of macro and micronutrients, essential fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Ragi is rich source of calcium if consumed on daily basis can fulfill the calcium requirement of the body. Ragi is also a good source of natural iron and is loaded with antioxidants.
  • Kakun (Foxtail Millet) Foxtail millet, like the other millets is a powerhouse of nutrition. It is a healthy balanced substitute for traditional rice and is digestible. It is high in Vitamin B and encourages cardiac health and nerve function. Foxtail millet is high in carbohydrates, which serves as an excellent source of energy from carbs. Foxtail Millets are popular for maintaining good heart health and are widely used to promote cardiovascular health.
  • Alsi (Flaxseed)Flaxseed's are high in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and hence it helps to improve digestive health or relieve constipation. Flaxseed may also help lower total blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol levels, which may help reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Isabgol Husk - Isabgol also known as psyllium husk is a dietary fiber that helps to increase stool and promote laxation. It is one of the most commonly used home remedies for constipation. Isabgol is good for weight loss as it gives a feeling of fullness and helps prevent overeating. Common Isabgol benefits includes: it helps to remove toxins from the body; adds a protective lining to the stomach that helps in curing acidity; adds volume to the stool while softening it for easy passage; promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria; Boosts digestion; absorbs .
  • Channa (Bengal Gram) Bengal gram is a highly beneficial pulse among the chickpea family. The dark brown legumes are a pocket-friendly storehouse of energy, due to the huge list of nutritional benefits it encompasses. Bengal gram is high in fibre, zinc, calcium, protein and folate. It is low in fat and helps to lower cholesterol. Bengal gram boosts energy, improves bone health, treats anaemia and prevents diabetes.

    Nutritional Value per 100 g
  • Energy

    376 Kcal











    Crude Fiber




    11-Grain Multigrain Atta


    2500 Grams


    Arogya Poshtik


    Natural / Organic

    Package Weight

    2.5 kg

    Material Feature


Arogya Poshtik 11 Grain -Multigrain Atta

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